Monday, September 22, 2008


Good afternoon everyone!

I hope that more of ya'll have gotten your power back and are getting your lives back to normal.  Due to the current situation, once again I will ask everyone who receives this e-mail to reply so that I know who I need to call tonight about the upcoming week.

We will practice tomorrow night (Tuesday) at St. Mark's (same field as last time) at 5:30 pm.  I will be attending a coaches meeting on Thursday night where I will receive our schedule for the upcoming season.  The first game will be on Saturday, September 27 and the final game will be on Saturday, November 22.

Steve has notified me that the uniforms are in and I will be picking them up later this week.  Please let me know if your child needs one.  If you do not already have a uniform, please have your child wear a green shirt on Saturday.  I have two extras that we can rotate around if need be.

I will be creating a blog for our team later this week and will post all of the information in the e-mails, in addition to the schedule and maps to the various fields on it for easy reference.

I hope to see everyone tomorrow night.

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